"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." -Gandhi

Sunday, February 7, 2010

screaming chickens?

The Superbowl Denny's ad--or rather, a whole series of them--struck me as profoundly confusing and discomfiting. First of all, any ad campaign that involves screaming is a bad idea. But the repeated image of hens screaming at the prospect of free Denny's breakfasts ("that's a lot of eggs!")... I don't get it. The commercial acknowledges that producing eggs is an unpleasant prospect for the hens, to the point where whole rooms of them are screaming in terror. And it's funny, I guess? I suppose it's not much different than the image of a cow holding a sign suggesting you eat chicken, but the idea of hens screaming at the rolling out of a free egg breakfast campaign is more upsetting, as it's much more visceral and, really, honest. If laying hens--animals who never touch grass or even anything except wire mesh, who resort to stress-induced cannibalism, whose lives are lived in darkness--could scream, I'm sure they would.

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